3 things you need to know

In order to create a plan focused on your loved ones, there are 3 things that are important to understand.

  1. What is Probate & how can I avoid it?
  2. What is the difference between a Will and a Living Trust?
  3. What about estate taxes and gifting?

Read about these 3 issues below.  Then, let us help you create an easy plan of action. 

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  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

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We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. 

                                                                                                                                        -- Winston Churchill

For deeper learning

Click on the items below for an understanding on some deeper issues.  

When you're done, contact us for a one-on-one appointment at 800-489-1921 or shoot us an email at cmcagency@me.com.

  • Why estate planning?

    Read this extensive article on "Why Estate Planning is so Important."  No matter how large or small your estate, you want to pass it on as quickly, smoothly and inexpensively as possible. That is estate planning.  Read this article to get your mind moving in the right direction of your next steps.

  • 3 succession solutions for family farms

    What is the best way to divide the family farm? While there are many options, this article will certainly start your ideas flowing.  Here at Senior Solutions, we've helped hundreds of farming families think through this process and can offer ideas that fit your specific family needs.  Call us at 812-426-1921 so we can help your family decide how to best divide the farm.

  • questions / answers for blended families

    Many families have divorced, been widowed or have remarried and this brings an added challenge to estate planning. This article covers issues for thought like, "how to deal with step children," "who should the executor be?" and other important issues.

  • Your statement of faith

    What is a Christian Will? As a follower of Christ, this may be the most important document you leave for your heirs to read. Read this explanation to learn more and then click here to download your free copy of the letter.  You can use it as a sample for creating your own document or if you would like us to print a nice copy with an embossed seal, we are happy to do so at no charge.

    If you have never dealt with such spiritual concerns or have questions, call us or click here for a concise explanation of what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ.

  • Managing digital assets

    Online accounts, payments, passwords and other digital assets are becoming more and more important to add to the estate plan.  Read this article to see what happens to such accounts at death and how you can better manage them.  

  • A glossary of terms

    Stuck on a certain word?  This glossary of terms will help you navigate most terminology for Medicare, long-term care, financial plans and estate planning.